
Adjustment Level




1. Almost never, never, seldom, very few times
2. May be occasionally, perhaps occasionally, yes but not frequently
3. Generally, like other people, occurs sometimes
4. Frequently, more than generally seen, very often
5. Very frequently, too much, almost always in every condition, always


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. I feel agitated by slightest noise or loud voice
2. I never feel inferiority complex or guilty
3. I keep feeling mentally guilty
4. My attention is frequently drawn to sad or bad aspect of every thing
5. I have lesser emotion of fear than others
6. I get sound sleep
7. Even during mild indisposition to any of my near and dear I use to fear that he might get serious illness or may even die
8. I enjoy facing the problems
9. At times I feel like suffocating and having irregular breathing
10. My mind normally remains clear and light
11. I feel loss of power in all the limbs and making difficult for me to remain standing and I feel like falling to the ground
12. Suddenly I have loose motions the reason being unknown
13. I have full confidence over myself
14. I have full faith on my friends
15. My mind always looks for goodness in everything
16. I am always hopeful, even in adverse situation. I do not loose hope even in adverse situation


1. Almost never, never, seldom, very few times
2. May be occasionally, perhaps occasionally, yes but not frequently
3. Generally, like other people, occurs sometimes
4. Frequently, more than generally seen, very often
5. Very frequently, too much, almost always in every condition, always