Individual Psychotherapy means treating the individual by psychological means, of problems of emotional nature, in which trained persons (Therapist) deliberately establishes a professional relationship with the patient to remove, modify or retard existing symptoms and promote positive personality growth and development.
Group Therapy or Group Psychotherapy is a similar procedure as an above but with a number of patients. In this procedure about 8 to 10 patients can be dealt in a single sessions as the name suggests.
Supportive - This is a very direct method of psychotherapy with the focus directing towards the existing problems and current life situations.
Suggestions - It is generally used by most of the Psychiatrist in an individual form as a part a part of supportive psychotherapy.
Cognitive - It is a corrective procedure of maladaptive thinking process.
Behaviour - Behavioural therapy is based on theories of learning and focus at changing of maladaptive behavioural patterns with that of adaptive behavioural techniques.